Saturday, February 13, 2010

Hey Shiv! Hey Ram!

India is a brave nation. Super brave in fact! In India, we have the largest military force. Apart from the usual Navy, Army and Air Force, we have our all powerful mighty Gods offering us their armies! For instance, there is the Shiv Sena, Sri Ram Sene. Its beautiful! I mean, we have a "paper tiger" as the General of Shiva's Army and we have a "loveless" freak as the general of Ram's army!

One is set on balkanization of India and the other on talibanization of India. These friendly army men are here on a mission from the Gods themselves. Oh! They would put Hercules and Achilles to shame! Hercules and Achilles atleast fought their enemies, but these generals are a tad bit ahead! They fight their own country men! That sure is an honour.

If some random stupid supposed congress ass blackens the face of Gen. Muthalik, his army goes on a rampage and burns the buses that actually belonged to the government, which was bought by the money of the people! Honourable Job Sir!
They go on a moral policing parade, beating up people, disrupting peace! Let Chaos prevail! Thank you Gen.Mutalik! Come to think of it, the State Home Minister of Karnataka himself seconds the man! Hark! Protector who kills! I guess the State Home Minister of Karnataka is some sort of a war mercenary right out of Dogs of War by Frederick Forsyth.

The other general, well well, I dont have much to say! Just one thing! I would be so glad to kill him! Not an instantaneous death, but a slow painful death! Maybe make him a vegetable and make him watch My Name Is Khan.

I guess i will be court marshalled for having written this! But heck!
My last words would not be a word, but a symbol! No points for guessing what that would be!

Finger to you!

Thursday, February 11, 2010


Bangalore, or Bengaluru... Whatever i would like to call it. i wouldn't be beaten up for it. That is Bangalore for you. It is the ideal role model for the concept of India. India is not a nation, it is an idea. There maybe a few hitches here in Bangalore, but it is not anything serious when compared to the paper tiger of Mumbai- Bal Thackeray and his really hopeless son and goons. In an interview, when asked what would happen if MNIK was released tomorrow, he had a wonderful answer. An answer that made want to shove something up his nose and any other oriffice. He just shrugged with a toothy smile! HE BLOODY SHRUGGED!!

GOD! Its so suffocating to see the politicos play their game! For instance, Sharad Pawar flirting with Shiv Sena, as an answer to the blame game on price rise. It is so stupid! The people in power are not doing anything! Shiv Sena and their likes are raping democracy in front of us!!! DO SOMETHING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Shahrukh Khan played it all smart! He could have played the minority card. He didnt! He could have just apologised, he didnt! He spoke up, like an Indian, he did!
SRK maybe right or wrong, that is not that point.
It is about goonda-raj versus, Janta raj. They might argue that they are the Janta, but Janta means, THE PUBLIC-public as in the majority and they sure aint the majority. Check the ratio of some odd million and a few thousands.

I propose we go to Mumbai and save India. Maybe a few hundereds, maybe more. We go there and sit in front of Thackeray's house. We should not budges. Stay there. We might get beaten. But we shall sit there, peacefully and demand our nation back from the rapists!

Otherwise, if this goes on, we might just end up saying Mum"bye" to Mumbai.

Saturday, November 28, 2009


"When a person burns the flag of his country in protest and he is not arrested for it, that is freedom"

Are we ready for such freedom?

You be the judge! U decide... Post ur ideas as comments! and let me know what u think...

Finger to you...

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

The Middle Finger Salute

I have a new Symbolon for us, courtesy :Ms.Priya, I present to you guys, THE MIDDLE FINGER SALUTE. It is altogether, a different form of saying, FUCK YOU To all the bastards that kill our nation. It shall be the last form of disgrace we give to anyone.

Thank you Priya!

Finger To you.

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

A Finger to Mr.Sanjay Raut

Dear Mr. Raut,
Sir, you are a bastard! You were a scribe yourself and you were happily gloating and sponsoring the goonda raj exhibited by your goons at IBN- Lokmat office. Actually, that does not come as a surprise as your "big daddy" boss( Bal Thackeray) is a goon himself, so that is acceptable. You and your wounded tiger of a boss (please note the repeated use of the word 'boss', so as to signify that he is no better than a Mumbai Ka Bhai, actually, the mumbai ka bhai's are lot cooler than him) are bent on picking on Namma Indian Cricketer Sachin Tendulkar, (namma in Kannada means 'ours'). I mean, are you close to being hornily nuts?? Are you fucking crazy?? Seriously! Tendulakar is one icon, who brings India together. There are only two things that unite India, Bollywood and Cricket! In India cricket=Sachin Ramesh Tendulkar and you are killing our icon! And you fucking expect us to support you? Bravo! To you Sir! A finger to you Sir!

You did not do anything, but make statements, when Mumbai was under seige on 26/11. A major of the Indian Army from Bengaluru named Major Sandeep Unnikrishnan, saved your fuckin asses! He was an Indian, living in Bangalore, died as a martyr in Mumbai- a city not of Maharashtra, but of India! He died, trying to save Mumbaikars, trying to save Indians first and not Maharashtrians! Now should I, a Bangalorean, get on the streets and break all the houses of the Maharashtrians in Bangalore at this cruelty? Should I? I wouldn't, as these Maharashtrians are Indians to me all the same! Major Sandeep Unnikrishnan, you are a true Indian and all those who fought with you. You are true men!

While on the other hand Mr.Raut, you and your boss and your goons, should go and try to find your balls! You lost them, just as many balls have been lost at the stroke of Hamara Tendulkar of My India!

A Big, Fat, bulbous Finger to you

Sunday, November 22, 2009

Neo Indian Culture

I have heard a million and one times, the continuous ranting that takes place among so many political and religious leaders, which invariably states one thing :The Indian Sanskruti is dying. It is not into use anymore. Save the Indian culture!!! and blah! blah! blah!
i.e The fabric of Indian culture is not Indian anymore.

Listening to Linkin Park, Iron Maiden, Eminem is a heinous crime! Watching movies like The Reader, The Godfather, Step up is heresy! Celebrating Valentine's Day is equal to sex in public. Apparently, all of these things are a ruse used by the godforsaken westerners to invade the only thing we have, OUR SANSKAR!


First things first! Have we really forgotten our culture? I mean, what does our culture say?
What is the first principle of our culture? I had say one thing, that is RESPECT and that is one thing we sure can do and we sure do, do! Our anthem as students might be "We Dont Need Know Education" by Pink Floyd, but we stand up with respect in our hearts and wish a happy good morning, to any teacher that passes by. THAT IS US!

We might celebrate a Valentine's Day. Though, it aint that necessary! Coz we end up loving every other girl every day! But we have that one day, to remind us of the eternal emotion that existed between Krishna and Radha. That is US!

What many people fail to understand is the fact that the culture has not died, it has CHANGED! Change is the only thing that is constant and thus we have changed the old CULTURE, to something more new, something more NEO. This Neo culture, has space for anything that enables us to move ahead!

Our 'old' culture had many flaws, the existence of Sati, Dowry! All of these were a part of our culture! We believed it an act of blasphemy to even think about going to the moon. But it was the neo generation that saw Rakesh Sharma peaking down from moon and telling Indira Gandhi "सारे जहाँ से अच्छा हिंदुस्तान हमारा" That is us!

We listen to Megadeth, we love Kunnukudi on the violin. We love salsa, we envy the beats of a Kathak Dancer. We love the pizza, we love maa-ki-daal. We are the change, we are the NEO!

I am not saying that we are flawless, but our flaws are but the mischiefs of an innocent child when compared to the holocaust of the generation that once existed in India. What say you?

Finger to you

P.S: If you are still wondering what Keanu Reeves has to do with the post, then FINGER TO YOU!!!!

Saturday, November 21, 2009

What can we do?

This is such a common question! What the hell can we do? We have no power!! We cant do anything! But that is such a lame excuse! Its like being so goddamn insensitive towards action.

Everytime during Diwali, when you end up blasting crackers, pass on sweets and enjoy life, you will have kids looking at you with such thirsty eyes, eyes that just make your heart wrench. We dont do anything at all, we just ignore them, atleast, try to ignore them.

Everytime when a man spits on the street, litters around, urinates all over the place like dogs, we dont do anything! What can we do? We just follow the golden rule of diplomacy, If you cant beat them, join them.

Why? Why do we let this happen? Its not fucking right!

Its time we show such people the finger. Its time, the finger saves the country, because i dont want a sequel to Slumdog Millionaire! Not anymore! Unless A.R Rehman gets one more academy!

Finger to you!