Saturday, February 13, 2010

Hey Shiv! Hey Ram!

India is a brave nation. Super brave in fact! In India, we have the largest military force. Apart from the usual Navy, Army and Air Force, we have our all powerful mighty Gods offering us their armies! For instance, there is the Shiv Sena, Sri Ram Sene. Its beautiful! I mean, we have a "paper tiger" as the General of Shiva's Army and we have a "loveless" freak as the general of Ram's army!

One is set on balkanization of India and the other on talibanization of India. These friendly army men are here on a mission from the Gods themselves. Oh! They would put Hercules and Achilles to shame! Hercules and Achilles atleast fought their enemies, but these generals are a tad bit ahead! They fight their own country men! That sure is an honour.

If some random stupid supposed congress ass blackens the face of Gen. Muthalik, his army goes on a rampage and burns the buses that actually belonged to the government, which was bought by the money of the people! Honourable Job Sir!
They go on a moral policing parade, beating up people, disrupting peace! Let Chaos prevail! Thank you Gen.Mutalik! Come to think of it, the State Home Minister of Karnataka himself seconds the man! Hark! Protector who kills! I guess the State Home Minister of Karnataka is some sort of a war mercenary right out of Dogs of War by Frederick Forsyth.

The other general, well well, I dont have much to say! Just one thing! I would be so glad to kill him! Not an instantaneous death, but a slow painful death! Maybe make him a vegetable and make him watch My Name Is Khan.

I guess i will be court marshalled for having written this! But heck!
My last words would not be a word, but a symbol! No points for guessing what that would be!

Finger to you!

Thursday, February 11, 2010


Bangalore, or Bengaluru... Whatever i would like to call it. i wouldn't be beaten up for it. That is Bangalore for you. It is the ideal role model for the concept of India. India is not a nation, it is an idea. There maybe a few hitches here in Bangalore, but it is not anything serious when compared to the paper tiger of Mumbai- Bal Thackeray and his really hopeless son and goons. In an interview, when asked what would happen if MNIK was released tomorrow, he had a wonderful answer. An answer that made want to shove something up his nose and any other oriffice. He just shrugged with a toothy smile! HE BLOODY SHRUGGED!!

GOD! Its so suffocating to see the politicos play their game! For instance, Sharad Pawar flirting with Shiv Sena, as an answer to the blame game on price rise. It is so stupid! The people in power are not doing anything! Shiv Sena and their likes are raping democracy in front of us!!! DO SOMETHING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Shahrukh Khan played it all smart! He could have played the minority card. He didnt! He could have just apologised, he didnt! He spoke up, like an Indian, he did!
SRK maybe right or wrong, that is not that point.
It is about goonda-raj versus, Janta raj. They might argue that they are the Janta, but Janta means, THE PUBLIC-public as in the majority and they sure aint the majority. Check the ratio of some odd million and a few thousands.

I propose we go to Mumbai and save India. Maybe a few hundereds, maybe more. We go there and sit in front of Thackeray's house. We should not budges. Stay there. We might get beaten. But we shall sit there, peacefully and demand our nation back from the rapists!

Otherwise, if this goes on, we might just end up saying Mum"bye" to Mumbai.